Mezzanine Debt

Mezzanine loans are a form of hybrid debt that combines elements of both senior secured debt and equity financing. Typically subordinated to primary senior loans, mezzanine financing often comes with higher interest rates due to its higher risk profile. In lieu of or in addition to interest payments, mezzanine lenders may receive equity warrants or a direct equity stake in the borrowing company. This type of financing is especially common in leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, and business expansion, providing borrowers with the capital needed without diluting existing ownership or taking on excessive senior debt.

Why Now?
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Companies can harness mezzanine financing to fuel growth while preserving their valuable equity

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Economic Resilience

Amidst today's economic shifts, mezzanine loans provide a balanced bridge between traditional debt and equity

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Flexible Capital Structure

Mezzanine loans grant businesses the adaptability they need in a complex market landscape

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