Merchant Cash Advance

A Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) is a financing option for businesses where they receive a lump-sum payment in exchange for a portion of their future credit card sales. Unlike traditional loans, MCAs are based on a company's daily credit card transactions, making it a suitable option for businesses with fluctuating revenues. Repayments are flexible, adjusting to the business's daily sales volume. This means during times of high sales, businesses pay more, and during slower periods, they pay less.

Why Now?
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Quick Access to Capital

In situations where businesses need immediate funds, a Merchant Cash Advance provides rapid access to capital without the lengthy approval processes of traditional loans.

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No Collateral Required

MCAs are unsecured, meaning businesses don't need to pledge assets or collateral to obtain the funds.

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Adaptable Repayment Structure

With repayments tied to daily sales, businesses can manage their cash flow more effectively, ensuring they aren't burdened during slower sales periods.

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140 N Federal hwy
Boca Raton, FL 33432
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+1 (888) 702-5575

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